True healing is not always what it seems

One week ago today my own mother passed away.  At 87 years, she died in her sleep in the dementia unit of the nursing home. A nurse working there commented, “In my 36 years of nursing I have not seen anyone die more peacefully.”  As a believer, she had trusted Christ for salvation over 40 years ago, just before my own conversion. The sting of death had been removed, and she finally got to go home to be with her Savior.

We mourned as a family this past week, but not like those who have no hope. The cross of Christ is not just a story written for our comfort in times of distress. Christ Jesus actually did conquer death by His own sacrifice on the cross. As paradoxical as it may seem, death was defeated not by a display of worldly power and show, but in the meekness of hands stretched out to receive the nails, and an empty tomb.

Indeed, Christ gained my Mom’s salvation through Calvary.  “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” (1 Ti 1:15). Her salvation depends on Christ, not on herself. That’s why we have the confidence that she went to be with Christ in death.  When Jesus saves sinners there is no partial salvation; He saves all the way from the guilt of sin, the power of sin, and finally from the presence of sin. What a Savior!

So while we mourn for the loss, we also rejoice in hope of the resurrection. A good reminder for Easter week!

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3 responses to “True healing is not always what it seems”

  1. Paulette Chaponniere Avatar
    Paulette Chaponniere

    Yes, it is true that true healing may come thru death when someone is a Christ-follower. It still means a major loss. So, I will remember both of you in my prayers as you grieve her death.

    1. Thank you Paulette. This is so true. I spent a sad and wonderful week with my siblings grieving the loss and thanking the Lord for her gain. I also did take time just to reflect and journal. I have had wonderful friends come around me. Thank you for praying. It is so good to hear from you!

    2. Thanks for your prayers Paulette. It is great to hear from you!

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