1 Timothy 4.7

Medical mission work must have an vision, a framework for understanding how it fits into the work of God in the world. This framework must come out of our understanding of Scripture. Many times however we can operate on faulty frameworks, wrong assumptions about God, the world, healing and redemption. Here are a few “myths” of medical missions. I think there are many more. Can you identify any and respond?

  • “I can dispense healing”
  • “Healing is from medicine, surgery and scientific advances, and doesn’t have much to do with relationships.”
  • “What ‘I’ do is the key to success.”
  • “‘I’ am the answer for ‘them.’”
  • “I must be in control.”
  • “I am not broken.” (or my brokenness does not interfere at all with my medical work)
  • “If others knew my own brokenness it would discourage them.” (and so I must hide it)
  • “I am defined by my medical training.”

Underlying these assumptions – and others — are two foundational myths:

  1. A distorted view of God
  2. A distorted view of self

What myths can you identify?  I look forward to hearing from you!


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