How can local believers show compassion through healthcare ministries?

As we communicate the love of Christ in another culture, it is easy to think that the ministry revolves around our activities. In fact, the key word in Christ’s “Great Commission” is to make disciples.  That means enabling others to learn from Christ. It also implies that we ourselves learn in the process. Here is a learning activity.

“What are some ways that local believers can show Christ’s compassion through health ministries?”  

Take a few minutes with your team to explore this question. It may be the first time for some of us to ask the question.  There is no one correct answer.  But the Spirit of God does give creativity; as we follow Christ, He can lead us to meet physical, spiritual and emotional needs that could not be met by foreigners alone.

Here is a start; I’m sure there are many others.  Would you be willing to share some with me?

  • prayer for the sick
  • home-based health education
  • integrating a Biblical view of health and sickness into teaching the Bible (many Bible lessons help us integrate the spiritual, physical and relational aspects of health)
  • meet some physical needs of orphans or widows — who do not have the means to help themselves (see James 1:27)
  • do good for someone who is not ordinarily a friend
  • begin a palliative care ministry for those who are dying
  • help train other local believers to do this
  • help handicapped people
  • discuss with local medical professionals how to enable others who don’t have the technical medical background (healthcare is not just a professional domain)
  • write a short story about health in the community
  • put on a health play
  • find out more about CHE, or Community Health Education/Evangelism
  • find out the needs of the poor and how to meet them closer to their home
  • befriend someone in need
  • ask God to show you how to show compassion
  • don’t despise small beginnings; you cant change it all at once
  • ask your local doctors and nurses for their own perspective
  • pray with others

What are your ideas?


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