How to prepare medical missionaries — part 2

Here were the resources suggested in our survey of current health workers in SIM. I’ve arranged them by topic: community health and health education; leadership and management; theology of work and mission; and tropical and international medical courses.

Community health and health education:     Global CHE network – Community health education/evangelism     Meeting the information needs of nurses and midwives – looks like quite a good site!     Teaching aids at low cost at TALC, including “Where there is No Doctor”     Palliative care toolkit (example)     Digital African Health Library, providing clinical decision support on mobile devices in Africa (includes DynaMed, Oxford Handbooks, medical calculators, etc. Only downloadable for those living in Africa.  Costs about US$45 per year.  Search app (IOS or android) “Digital African Health Library”

Leadership and management in healthcare missions:     Technical and equipment issues     Excellent management library of resources and training ; check out their free “eMBA”! Can help in the areas of strategic planning, financial accountability, management of non-profit(mission) staff, etc.  Extensive library online; easy to use. Not a “Christian” library per se but very helpful for these kinds of questions.     Here is a pretty complete list of mission hospitals, agencies, national association, training programs and other resources!     “Beyond Medicine: What Else you need to know to become a healthcare missionary.” Written by CMDA Director David Stevens.

Theology of work and mission

Connecting your work to God’s work: Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller

How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor: When Helping Hurts (Corbett); avoiding paternalism

What is the Mission of the Church?  DeYoung

Preach and heal” by Fielding. Very good at some points; somewhat anti-institutional.

Sharing our faith in practical ways as medical professionals; training designed for an international context; saline process

Tropical and international medical courses:   Graduate diploma in International health and development in Australia     West Virginia tropical medicine course     Equip courses for physicians and medical practitioners (and some non professionals too!)     Diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene (3 months in London)     3- and 5-day “Operational Clinical Infectious Disease Courses” at Walter Reed Army Institute     The mission of the Institute for International Medicine is to equip healthcare professionals and students with the unique skills to serve forgotten people.

Also highlighted by most:

CMDA CMDE Continuing education conferences every year in either Greece or Thailand.

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