
This blog explores how our medical work can align with God’s purposes. We don’t have to guess how to connect our work to the Kingdom of God. Understanding how healthcare fits into the whole story of the Bible will help us recover a sure foundation. A solid integration of healthcare and mission will help us move ahead with confidence and joy.

Biblical Foundations

Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church

Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church

Paul HudsonFeb 6, 20163 min read

What would the resurrection have to do with the mission of the church? NT Wright makes a plea for us to connect the two.  Our modern assumptions about life after death seem to disconnect the reality of life in this world and the next, but the Bible does just the…

Are we losing our compassion?

Are we losing our compassion?

Paul HudsonFeb 3, 20163 min read

When we reflect on the reasons to come alongside those who are hurting physically and serve them around the world, compassion must be the #1 reason. It was the foundation of the early church’s response to human suffering around them, even before medical care became more professional.  The prophet Malachi…



First Year on the Field – YouTube

First Year on the Field – YouTube

Paul HudsonMay 17, 20161 min read

You will hear many of our friends in SIM as they talk about the first year serving the Lord overseas.  I love SIM!  I love the Lord, for He is so gracious.  Join us!

Lessons learned from an Angolan church leader

Lessons learned from an Angolan church leader

Paul HudsonMay 5, 20163 min read

I had the privilege of knowing a leader of the association of evangelicals in Angola about a decade ago.  He was willing to share honestly his perspective on church mission relationships. Unfortunately the lessons are are not unique to ministry in Angola. He said, “Many times we give answers to…
