
This blog explores how our medical work can align with God’s purposes. We don’t have to guess how to connect our work to the Kingdom of God. Understanding how healthcare fits into the whole story of the Bible will help us recover a sure foundation. A solid integration of healthcare and mission will help us move ahead with confidence and joy.

Biblical Foundations

"And who is my neighbor?"

"And who is my neighbor?"

Paul HudsonFeb 1, 20154 min read

Yesterday I was talking with a nursing teacher who is an expert in the care of women with childbirth injuries called fistulas. SIM has a hospital caring for these women in rural Niger, West Africa. She is considering ways to get involved helping train our national staff. The hospital treats…

So what do we mean by healing, anyway?

So what do we mean by healing, anyway?

Paul HudsonJan 26, 20154 min read

As a young person in medical school, my view of health was confined to understanding disease processes, drugs and physical causes.  Health had to do with the body, and things of the spirit didn’t overlap the physical world. As a young believer in Jesus, I could see that He had…



The Cape Town Commitment of faith and call to action – – the mission of God

The Cape Town Commitment of faith and call to action – – the mission of God

Paul HudsonAug 26, 20155 min read

Here is a rich description of the mission which God calls us to as believers, expressed in the words of the Lausanne commitment at Cape Town, South Africa This is section 10 of that commitment word for word. It is an exciting and joyous mission. How are you involved? We…

Racial Reconciliation

Racial Reconciliation

Paul HudsonAug 1, 20153 min read

Tim Keller wrote “Generous Justice” in 2010. He speaks there about John Perkins’ strategy for rebuilding poor communities (Perkins has been a leader in community development and racial reconciliation for many years in the USA). I think the principle he articulates from John Perkins is so important for a vital,…
