Healthcare and the Mission of God — now available

“…to avoid making the mistakes of many previous generations.”

Dr. Niles Batdorf, missionary surgeon serving among rural poor

Mistaken views of healthcare? How can we be mistaken about something based on science? And mistaken views of the mission of God? Isn’t the gospel something designed for heaven?

Yes, we have mistaken views of both healthcare and the mission of God. This book brings the two together, showing how they connect and form a seamless whole.

Healthcare professionals who want to serve Christ can find it challenging to integrate faith and practice, especially in a cross-cultural mission setting. Questions arise that are difficult to answer: How do I share my faith appropriately? Is compassionate care enough? How does my healthcare ministry advance Jesus’ Great Commission to disciple the nations?

Healthcare and gospel can be driven by separate agendas. It does not have to be that way. Healthcare and the Mission of God is a path to recovery. That recovery requires that we discover a wider perspective. Looking through the narrow windows of modern healthcare (and sometimes even modern Christianity) can distort the picture.

This book takes a step back to examine these issues in light of the whole story of the Bible, from creation to redemption to the new creation coming. I try to illustrate this through stories of God’s grace as Christian medical professionals face the challenges of global missions.

I invite you to join the conversation. Grab a copy, contact me or connect online. Sign up for my newseltter for ongoing content. The challenges of healthcare and mission are real, but don’t need to defeat us. We need one another, and by God’s grace we avoid mistakes that come so easily. Let’s be inspired by a God-given vision which leads to joy in serving.

“This profound book contains a prescription that will give you strength and joy as you face overwhelming needs. It provides a vaccine against disillusionment and much more. It is a ‘must’ read!”

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) | CEO Emeritus, CMDA USA


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