Seeking the welfare of your captors

Bible Backgrounds Jeremiah

God removed His people from Jerusalem because of their sin, yet He wants them to seek the welfare of their captors, the fierce Babylonians. “Welfare” in the Lord’s command is the translation of the Hebrew word, “shalom.” Rather than retaliate in anger, or put their hopes on a swift return to Jerusalem (predicted by false prophets), God wants them to have peace. He directs them to settle down, seek the welfare of their new country, have families and become a blessing.  How different this is from the violence we see in the news today. Rather than taking lives, God’s intention is to give life. We as His people become channels of blessing to nations that do not yet know His goodness and grace.

Have you found a place where you can be a channel of blessing to others, even those who have done you wrong? This sort of assignment is too much for us, apart from the power available in the death of life of Christ.

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