What's all the fuss?

The Ebola outbreak has been a big story, with over 25,000 separate news articles mentioning SIM since we first brought Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol out of Liberia to Emory Hospital. But our aim is not publicity. It is God’s glory that we are after. In the midst of the suffering we have the confidence that our gracious God is at work among the nations, and especially in West Africa. Our missionaries put themselves in harms way, getting close to the people, and but this is the calling they have received from Jesus. Jesus came as God to be with us, alongside us, lead us, save us. We come in His name alongside people, to be with them and point them to Jesus. This is the basis of community transformation. It also reflects Christ’s character. Our aim is not publicity for ourselves. It is not about SIM; it is about what God is doing in the world, showing His good character and grace, rescuing men and women in the midst of their pain.

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