Why I am blogging

As a medical missionary who has served on 3 continents, I want to blog about medical missions in order to encourage others in the task.  Please sign up and also respond to posts.  My aim is to make this as interactive as possible.

Here are some thoughts I had two years ago when I started blogging.  They are still true today.

Why I need to write the blog:

  1. To clarify my own thinking
  2. To view my priorities in writing
  3. To share some life long lessons in medical missions
  4. To encourage honesty and transparency in those involved in medical mission work
  5. To enable those in churches to see opportunities and obstacles
  6. To glorify the Lord for the many ways he has answered prayer
  7. To highlight a unique view of medical missions that tries to bring some balance to the debates within and encouragement to those involved

New post ideas:

  • Important priorities in mentoring medical missionaries
  • Suggested courses etc available
  • Review some of the helpful leadership books, aiming for leadership development for medical missions
  • Talk about short term missions and how churches might be involved
  • Member care from churches
  • Prefield screening and how churches can work together with agencies
  • Character issues, e.g. “Leading with a Limp” talks about character as the primary thing the Lord does in shaping our lives as leaders
  • Say hello and honor some of our old friends
  • Share specific experiences on the mission field
  • Talk about the work of support raising
  • Why mission agencies and not just going it alone
  • Health tracking/surveillance in SIM  – eg sick days, years of life of those dying in missions, stories of lives healed or saved
  • Blending the old and new missions thinking, link to CMDA and CMF and ICMDA

What topics would you like to hear more about?

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